One Student One Tree Campaign in KV Schools 2019-20


One Student One Tree Campaign in KV School 2019-20 [Eligibility, Apply]

The government of India has come up with a campaign to increase the number of trees in the state. This is the reason they launched a campaign called, ‘One student One Tree’. The campaign will start from July, 2019. As the campaign is designed by the center, the Kendriya Vidyalayas will come under the pan.  As the name says, per student will have to plant one sapling in the school campus. In the opening day The Human Resource Development Minister Pokhriyal planted a sapling along with the students in Bengaluru. The objective of the campaign is to plant one million saplings in the campus of Kendriya Vidyalayas all over the country.

One Student One Tree Campaign

The launch details

Name of the scheme One student One Tree
Date of launch July, 2019
Launched by The Union Minister Pokhriyal
Launched place KendriyaVidyalayas all over the country
Responsible Department Human Resource Development


The key features of the campaign

  • The ‘One student One Tree’ is said the dream project of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • The scheme is launched the Union ministry, and the Kendriya Vidyalayas from all over the country will come under the scheme.
  • According to the scheme the students of Kendriya Vidyalayas all over the country need to plant a sapling inside the school campus.
  • The campaign is to fulfill the initiative of Zero Liquid Discharge in order to save water though recycling it.
  • The aim of the campaign is to plant one million saplings all over the country to restore the environment, and the greenery in the country.
  • Under this campaign the Zero Liquid Discharge initiative is mandatory for all the schools, and it is said that very soon it will be implemented.
  • The Union Government of Delhi wants to recycle the water as much as it can be in all the schools.
  • In order to do that each school will get ninety days to perform the water recycling task.
  • The Delhi government wants to save the water and reuse the water through the Zero Liquid Discharge initiative.
  • Under the initiative, the wastewater can be reused through the recycling process especially in the school compounds.
  • Along with that, the campaign wants create awareness among the school going students, and for that the government will form an Eco-Club.
  • To make the campaign work the government will be re-launching a program called ‘Deeksharambh’ that will have all the guidelines regarding saving the environment.
  • The guideline will help the new students to cope up with the plan, and it will help to create a bond between teachers, and students.

The eligibility criteria

  • In order to come under the campaign, the schools need to be under the Indian Territory, and the ‘One student One Tree’ campaign is applicable for Kendriya Vidyalayas.
  • The Kendriya Vidyalayas from all over the country need to produce their document to the Human Resource Development ministry for granting the permission to run the campaign.
  • When it comes to planting saplings, only school children will be eligible to get saplings.
  • For the Zero Liquid Discharge initiative, the schools in Delhi are eligible to run the campaign.

How to apply?

  • For the Zero Liquid Discharge initiative, the schools are needed to produce their documents to the state government of Delhi in order to recycle the water.
  • The schools need to producer the necessary documents that show their location in the country.
  • For the ‘One student One Tree’ campaign the schools that are centrally funded will be able to run the campaign, and this is the reason the schools are required to produce the necessary documents to the HRD ministry.

Lastly, the campaign for saving the environment is a ground breaking step. The urbanization has cost a lot of trees; hence, plantation of one million trees is an effective step. The campaign will not only improve the environment, but will help to establish a bond between teachers and student. Whereas, the Zero Liquid Discharge initiative will spread the awareness among the young generation to restore the natural water of the earth.

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